Amazon WorkSpaces - an update

Just a quick update on one of my previous posts related to Amazon Workspaces - the Amazon WorkSpaces Streaming protocol (WSP) is out of beta and in general availability

Amazon just announced that they are offering workspaces based on Microsoft Server 2019. You can choose 2016 or 2019 bundle.

You can easily migrate your 2016 bundles over to the new 2019 ones. AWS makes it almost entirely too easy:


Migration takes 15~25 minutes and just like that you find yourself using Windows Server 2019:

Also, the crew at A CloudGuru (awesome training content btw, no they are not paying me for the plug) did a cost comparison between WorkSpaces and Windows Virtual Desktop. I am somewhat surprised that WVD ends up being more expensive than WorkSpaces but these guys know their stuff 👍. 

I'd suggest you do however also consider the TCO. If for example you are a Windows shop and your staff has Azure only expertise, if you decide to go the WorkSpaces route you'd need to invest in some AWS training on top of the storage, compute and licensing costs of the solution. The devil is in the details 😈

Keep in mind that WorkSpaces is essentially Windows Server 2016/19 with Desktop experience, where with WVD you actually get Windows 10. 

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